friendsthese are my awesome friends. check them out!new: this page is h-card and XFN compliant!breqBrooke Chalmersthat's me, silly!AvaAva SilverSWE @ datadog, celeste speedrunnermiakizzMia Kiesmanelectrical engineer, retro computingadrydAritechnology witch, designer, software devprismaticwolfMaxine Vollertsengame design, wolfJuniperjuniJuniperphotographer, anarchist, good puppyFlamingSporkPhilomenanetwork engineering witch, photographerTrisTris Emmy Wilsoninfrastructure enjoyer, OSM fan, photo takerIzzyIzzy Rosepetalspony, "canadian" software developerelectricbrookeBrookegreen line operator, hockey fannotniteJulianprogrammer, game modder, shitposterhfullerHunter Fullernetwork engineer, hacker, agent of chaosmusicalartist12Julia Violetrobotics, graphics, trumpetalpacafurLuke Felix Taylordesign, CS, web developmentnyashidosUla BitinaitisCS + media arts, web dev, game dev, VRKelKel WeaverCS + environment, rocks, fiddle, radioeggyEzgi BasCS, math major, turkishMaeveMaeve Andersenpolitics, CS, bicycles, chonkpaddillydallyDillon ScottCS + biology, lana del rey, boba tea