
This site is made with TypeScript, React, Next, and Tailwind, and is hosted on Vercel. The intro page is made with ThreeJS. Icons are by FontAwesome. Most content is written in MDX.

The cat in the bottom left was implemented by my friend adryd. The computer at the bottom is a link to, a site hosted on my home desktop (when it's online). That site is written by hand in raw HTML. The icon is an SVG drawing I made myself (with lots of help from Ari).

A few "glue scripts" (mostly to grab GitHub Sponsors and RSS feeds without CORS) are hosted on Cloudflare Workers.

Many parts of this website are directly inspired by my friends. Thank you!

A version of this site has been running since 2019 (albeit under a different name back then), with projects dating back to 2014. Project writeups have been carried forward since the beginning.